Saturday, March 29, 2014

Arthritis--a real pain in the neck

Dear Linda:
On occasion, my wife has called me a pain in the neck. Well, I just turned 50 and know now how irritating that condition can be. I wake up stiff and sore almost every morning. Surely, I’m too young for arthritis?

Hurting in DeSoto

Dear Hurting:

Arthritis is a chronic disease (with no cure yet) that affects joints, skin and various internal organs in many people over 50. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, arthritis afflicts or severely disables over 70 million Americans.
Though there are more than 100 types of arthritis, the most common form is osteoarthritis, affecting the joints. They can become inflamed, swollen and stiff. Visit your doctor, who will diagnosis after blood tests and x-rays and prescribe the best treatment in your case.
To alleviate symptoms, reach optimum weight with low-impact, aerobic exercise like walking, biking and swimming, and lift weights to build denser bones and to strengthen muscles that protect joints. Research shows that losing as little as 11 pounds cuts risk of osteoarthritis by 50%. Stretch every thirty minutes and do range of motion exercises throughout the day to get re-energized and stay flexible. Wear braces to reduce joint stress.
Make better life-style choices. Turn off the TV. It slows your metabolism, encourages overeating and keeps you sedentary. Quit smoking. It causes brittle bones and reduces their mass. Throw out those three-inch heels that stress knees and your foot seven times more than a one-inch heel.
To avoid neck strain, use hands-free telephone headsets, position documents on computer monitors at eye level, keep your chin tucked-in and your back straight and well supported. Use a wrist rest at your computer, and avoid lifting heavy objects.
Arthritis can be well managed with medication, weight reduction, exercise, good nutrition and surgery. For more information, contact the Arthritis Foundation at 800-283-7800. Subscribe to their magazine Arthritis Today or order Tips for Good Living with Arthritis ($9.95), a publication filled with hundreds of tips for a more pain free and mobile life.

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