Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Gifts for Those with Poor Vision

Dear Linda:

My Dad’s eyesight is failing. What can I get him for Christmas that will make life easier?
Holiday Helper

Dear Holiday Helper:

       Begin by taking your dad to the ophthalmologist for an eye exam. Be sure his eyeglasses are the correct strength, and that any disease is properly diagnosed and managed. If he hasn’t been screened for glaucoma, request that test be done. Left untreated, glaucoma can result in blindness. The doctor can also assess whether your father is suffering with dry eye, a culprit in poor vision and more common among seniors.

       Then fill his stocking with large-faced playing cards, a large-print check register and address book, low-vision puzzles, games and word searches.

       Think big for under the tree: a large button telephone, remote control and calculator, large-print books (including cook books), sheet music and calendars.

       Enlarge the world for him. Magnifiers come in every size and shape. There are magnifying mirrors — hand-held and for on the wall, and magnifying watches with built-in flashlights. There are magnifiers that can be used for over television and computer screens, books and magazines, and medicine bottles.

       Magnifiers can be hand-held or hands-free, lighted, page-size or as small as a credit card. Visit for a variety of products or call 800-377-8033.

       If an unexpected voice won’t be disconcerting, consider the value of things that talk: clocks, watches, timers, indoor and outdoor thermometers, scales and Caller ID to name a few. Simple software converts a computer into a talking machine, and talking frames can put messages from family members’ within reach.

       Buy books on tape and collections of music (including golden oldies and show tunes from old movies and Broadway). Old-time radio dramas and comedies are also entertaining. Visit for other ideas or call 888-564-1500.

       Remember time spent with your dad is more important than any gift, so consider tickets to a holiday show. Get seats close to the stage and bring binoculars.

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