Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Angels

Each Christmas the school at which I teach involves itself in a Teen Angel program. Individuals and groups commit to raising 75.00 each for teens who would not otherwise have any gifts. I have my students contribute some of the money, but only after they hear the gift requests made by those teens.

This year, one of the two teens we were to shop for asked for underwear and a coat, as he had neither. This was shocking to my students, most of whom expect and often get a car when they turn 16. Needless to say most have not experienced deprivation.

The revelation that one of their peers had so little was momumental to them. One of my studemts was so moved, she took on the responsibility of shopping. She considered it a challenge to buy as much as possible with the teen's 75.00 allotment. She scoured the mall and the discount stores until she had stretched every single penny. She beamed with excitement as she showed the students all she had bought for our teen, and they beamed back.

What my students had done would have not changed the teen's world, only one of his days, but perhaps that was not the most important consideration. My students had been changed--at least a little. Just a little more grateful for all they had and just a little more concerned about others--a great first lesson for them and reminder lesson for the rest of us.

Merry Christmas to you all!

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